Suggested amendments to the draft immigration bill of 2 February 2000

Key Points:

  • Suggested amendments to the Immigration Bill are based on the CDE’s comments on the White Paper on immigration.
  • The Bill reflects broad principles that are consonant with best practice international thinking and the lessons of international experience in respect of immigration policy. The stated objectives of the legislation also reflect a commitment to economic growth and to efficient, cost-effective administration of the complex phenomena of immigration.
  • However, the Bill fails to address and target critical priorities for growth. This is evident in several features, including the assertion that the country’s needs for specific skills can be determined and calculated by state agencies.
  • CDE suggests that Clause 12 on work permits should be replaced with the amendment that a work permit can only be issued to a foreigner if their skills and qualification is equivalent to or is better than a South African degree/three year diploma.
  • Additionally, but not exhausting the list of amendments, the Immigration Board must include at least three representatives nominated by the generally-recognised national employer organisations. A representative must be included in the list of representatives.

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