MEDIA RELEASE | Top public officials should have to reapply for their jobs

The Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) today called on South Africa’s newly elected President to ensure that only the best available people are appointed to top positions in the public service.

In a new report entitled ACTION TWO: Appoint the right people in mission critical public sector jobs (see here), CDE makes the case for replacing under-performing public officials with excellent people of impeccable integrity to turbo-charge the new government’s reform agenda.

The report forms part of CDE’s AGENDA 2024: Priorities for SA’s new government series which sets out a number of catalytic actions to reverse South Africa’s decline.

The Public Service Commission reported in 2024 that there is a shortage of professional and technical skills in the civil service. According to its head, Somadoda Fikeni, the public sector does not exhibit “the astuteness, agility, capacity or single mindedness to do its best for the country”.. Some public servants see their role as enforcing rules rather than achieving outcomes, while others abuse their positions for self-enrichment and patronage.

“The focus of the new government must be on putting the best possible people into key positions. Excellent professional appointments can kickstart change, achieve faster growth, and generate millions more jobs,” said Ann Bernstein, executive director of CDE.

“It’s important to point out that many senior civil servants are excellent, and we commend their commitment to the public and their hard work in difficult circumstances,” she added.

In its report, CDE identifies a list of mission critical jobs that will be vital for implementing the first phase of a new government’s reform agenda. These include Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Directors-General (DGs) and their deputies in the priority portfolios of Finance; Trade, Industry and Competition; Police; Justice and Constitutional Development; and Employment and Labour.

The CEOs, Chairpersons and other senior officials of state-owned companies (SOCs) and institutions under government control are also considered mission critical.

“We use the term mission critical to describe jobs that will determine the success or failure of turning SA around. If the state is to become much more effective, opportunities must be seized to improve state capability dramatically and ensure the best possible people for the job required are appointed,” said Bernstein.

“Wherever possible, officials in mission critical positions should be asked to reapply for their positions and appointed only after rigorous recruitment processes,” she added.

In its report, CDE proposes an end to the practice of cadre deployment in favour of merit-based appointments.  Across the world, political advisors accompany a new government into office. These people have an important role to play but their number and their roles must be clearly defined.

“SA’s newly elected President should – very early in the new administration – issue a statement unequivocally indicating the government’s opposition to and termination of cadre deployment. This is an essential and fundamental principle required for the rebuilding of an honest, effective public service,” said Bernstein.

“In implementing this commitment, a first urgent step is to ensure the right people are in mission critical jobs as soon as possible. We have seen the devastating consequences of putting the wrong people at the top of vital institutions,” added Bernstein.

Another crucial proposal put forward by CDE is the establishment of a permanent disciplinary tribunal chaired by a retired judge for officials accused of corruption. The aim is to avoid lengthy delays in dismissing officials credibly accused of corruption. The tribunal should operate on an inquisitorial basis and be empowered to dismiss officials if the judge believes the evidence meets the ‘balance of probabilities’ standard. It should not need to wait for the completion of criminal investigations and prosecutions.

Other important reforms include strengthening the Public Service Commission; more rigorous entrance exams for public servants; and the amendment of the Labour Relations Act to make it easier to replace civil servants in senior leadership positions.

“Achieving a workable reform agenda requires a well-oiled state machine. That, in turn, depends upon hard-working, honest public servants executing their responsibilities effectively and conscientiously,” said Bernstein.

“In the absence of a capable civil service, attempts to overcome the multiple crises that beset the country will fail. Rebuilding an effective state will take time but we need bold reforms and more effective delivery to occur urgently,” she added.

This report on mission critical jobs follows CDE’s first report in the AGENDA 2024 series titled ACTION ONE: Reorganise the Presidency and the Cabinet, (see here).

For media enquiries and interview requests, please contact Refiloe Benjamin: | 011 482 5140


AGENDA 2024, based on CDE’s extensive policy work and recent collaboration with experts, business leaders, former public servants and academics, sets out to answer what is by far the most important question facing South Africa: what can a new government do to get the country back on track after 15 years of stagnation and decline?

AGENDA 2024 sets out a series of carefully selected and crafted actions to signal a new approach to reform. The priority areas for action are: fix the state; drive growth and development by freeing up markets and competition; build a new approach to mass inclusion; deal with the fiscal crisis; and strengthen the rule of law.

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